About Sharon
Sharon L. Hardy
Northern Parula
Crested Caracara
Sharon’s passion is to create a sustainable and healthy future for people, organizations and the planet we live on. Her coaching and consulting focus on facilitating high performance and increased well-being for the individuals and organizations she serves. She believes that the time is now for people to awaken to their inherent connectedness and rise to a new potential.
Sharon’s Success Coaching clients have ranged from executives, business owners and non-profit organizational leaders to managers, professionals and individuals who desire more mastery, fulfillment, joy and success in their lives.
Sharon has worked with Boards of Directors, CEOs, managers, teams and employees, and has developed numerous customized programs in personal and professional development. Her last internal role was with Willis Towers Watson, where as a senior talent management consultant for over six years, she had the opportunity to work with numerous global organizations and leaders at all levels. Prior to that, Sharon served as Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness for an award-winning five-hospital health care system in NJ, capping her career of over 15 years working in leadership and management roles within health care organizations. Additionally, Sharon led the organizational development function for the Product Development division of Harley-Davidson Motor Company for four years.
Sharon holds a B.S. in Psychology from Tufts University, an M.A. from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and many certifications in assessment and management training. She is affiliated with and certified by Success Unlimited Network®, a coach training program accredited by the International Coaching Federation.
In addition to her academic credentials, Sharon holds a national certification in Bodywork and has been certified as a White Belt NIA teacher. Combining dance, martial arts and mindfulness, Nia is a holistic fitness practice addressing each aspect of your life — body, mind and soul. Sharon has studied with several master teachers in meditation, energy work and spiritual practices, and incorporates these in workshops and in individual work with clients. She is a level II Divine Reiki practitioner.
Sharon and her husband are avid birders and love to travel and learn about local people, geography and birds wherever they go. She is out birding as much as possible during spring and fall migration! She strongly supports land conservation, sustainable practices and environmental justice, and is a member of the American Birding Association, Audubon, Sierra Club, and several other birding, wildlife and conservation organizations. Sharon has two daughters and sons-in-law and three grandchildren that bring her great joy.
Sand Hill Crane with chicks
Tufted Coquettes, are the 2nd smallest hummingbirds in the world. This is a mother and juvenile, Asa Wright Nature Center, Trinidad
Bird photos by Walt Nadolny (Sharon's husband)