Do you want ... 

  • More JOY, deeper PEACE and less stress in . your life?

  • Work that has IMPACT and is personally SATISFYING?

  • VITALITY, STRENGTH and BALANCE in the face of challenges?


Sharon Hardy is a Success Coach who helps leaders and individuals to achieve results they desire with increased well-being in their work and personal life.  Sharon partners with clients in a creative process to define purpose, visions and goals, and to support awareness and choices that create success. She blends knowledge of psychology and cutting edge brain-body science with her experience in leadership development to inspire profound personal and professional growth.

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy”  Rumi



Success Coaching helps you define what success means to you, and to clarify priorities and choices to create a life you love. Email Sharon to request a complimentary call/online meeting to explore how coaching can help you. 

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Energetic alignment

Do you feel light, energetic and positive most of the time?  This is your natural state of alignment, but we often feel heavy, weighed down, tense and anxious due to the stresses of our daily lives. Experience an Energetic Alignment session and see what a difference this can make! Learn More →

revolutionary agreements

Want more TRUTH, ACCEPTANCE and GRATITUDE in your life? This 8 - 10 week group meets weekly online to explore and practice 12 Revolutionary Agreements that create more peace, creativity and joy in your life…especially needed in these uncertain times.

 Learn More →